The Mount Diablo Surveyors Historical
In Memorial
Readio, (69)
California Licensed Land
Surveyor: L 4319
California Registered Engineer
(Civil) C 37076,
Born; ? 1930 Died; June 3, 1999

here for larger photo image
Skier, Educator,
Collector, Surveyor & Engineer.
Joel Readio, of Carmel Valley passed away on June 3, 1999.
Joel had been a member of CLSA since 1973, and a Life Member since 1992. He
was an active member and [a past] officer of the Monterey Bay Chapter [of the
California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA)].
Born and raised in Pennsylvania, he
graduated from Carnegie Institute of Technology and later did graduate
studies at the University of California at Berkeley
and Stanford University.
His leisure activities included fishing, hiking and skiing. He was a
certified instructor for the National Ski Patrol and a dedicated member of
the Ski Patrol in the Sierra Nevada for many
years. He was also involved in avalanche control.
Joel will be most remembered as the chairman of the Engineering Department at
Monterey Peninsula College.
From the early '60s, for two decades, he taught surveying and engineering
courses. His efforts gave many of us our first real exposure to their
profession of land surveying. Joel was a mentor to many students and
professionals alike.
To this end, Joel often provided his services as an educator conducting
workshops seminars and Land Surveying Courses including one at the Fourth
Annual CLSA Convention held February 26-28, 1970 at the Holiday Inn in Santa Cruz. There Mr. Readio while surveying instructor of Monterey Peninsula
College and two of his
students held a very interesting panel discussion entitled "The
Student and the Land Surveyor".
Although the weather did not cooperate, Joel was to provide a live
demonstration of the determination of a two second solar azimuth at the
monument day at the Monterey Bay Workshop held June19, 1975. This first field
workshop was sponsored by the Monterey Bay Chapter of CLSA.
In 1983 Mr. Readio participated in a 15-week Land
Surveying class being taught at California
State University,
teaching the "Spanish Land Grants" component.
[Joel passed his Land Surveyor in Training (LSIT) exam in April of 1975 and
then right away passing his Professional Land Surveyor's license exam in
November of 1975.]
In addition to his professional duties at Monterey Peninsula
College, Joel served as
Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President and President (83) of the Monterey Bay
Chapter of the California Land Surveyors Association.
<br< After his retirement from teaching, he
entered private practice as president of Pacific Land Services, Inc., [in
Carmel Valley, CA Inc. July 22, 1982] a firm which he founded specializing in
land surveying and geotechnical engineering. [Joel receive his license as a
California Land Surveyor on November ?, 1975 and his Professional Engineer
License (Civil) on [post 82]]
Joel received his life membership in the California Land Surveyors
Association pursuant to Resolution 92-03: Life Membership to Joel Readio, PLS 4319 for fulfilling the requirements for Life
Membership and striving for the highest professional standards of the Land
Surveying Profession. Full
Resolution 92-03.
A memorial service was held July 10, 1999 in Carmel Valley.
[On July 17, 2000 a letter was sent to the MDSHS by the law firm of Heisinger, Buck & Morris on behalf of the estate of
Mr. Joel Readio stating that upon his death Mr. Readio requested they (MDSHS) receive miscellaneous
surveying equipment that he received from the Leffingwell
family. This came as quite a surprise as Mr. Readio
is not known to ever be a member of the Society. Never the less the proper
paperwork was completed and the ownership of the equipment was transferred to
MDSHS. Local surveyor Mr. Steve Wilson handled the final physical transfer.]
The donated instruments were:
Dietzgen & Co. 30" Mountain Transit
S/N 7364 w/tripod (Ca. 1917) (ID I-131).
Dietzgen & Co. Dumpy Level S/N 38581 (Ca.
1912) (ID L-106).
Kueffel & Esser Co.
(K&E) Wye Level S/N 45318 (Ca. 1923) (ID
Interesting is that Mr. Readio
requested that MDSHS receive this equipment that he received from the Leffingwell family with no additional information on how
he received it or who the Leffingwell family was.
Additional research is in order. If anyone knows any information about the Leffingwell family, MDSHS would very much like to know.
Portions of this
memorial were originally published in the fall 1999 edition of The California Surveyor.
No. 124 (Submitted by Steve C. Wilson). All rights reserved, The California Land Surveyors Association. Portions
written by [Michael J. Foley, PLS.] © 2013, The Mount Diablo
Surveyors Historical Society.
MDSHS - Mount Diablo Surveyors Historical Society
is a California non-profit corporation organized under
IRS 501©3 (Federal #8916806802, CA 1835904).
Page last edited; October 1, 2013
Copyright © 2013 MDSHS.